The taxi voucher, distributed by the Manosque CCAS, provides a €4 reduction on taxi trips.

This voucher can be used for travel for any reason (medical treatment, shopping, leisure activities) in Manosque (Leclerc, Manosque Village, cemetery, Saint-Joseph industrial park, etc.) Manosque non-taxpaying residents aged over 60 are eligible for the taxi voucher. The following Manosque residents under 60 years of age are also eligible:

  • the Allocation Adulte Handicapée (adult disabled allowance).
  • or the RSA, and single parents on sickness benefits,
  • or disabled pension,
  • or low daily benefits.

Social workers can also apply for the CCAS taxi voucher.

How to apply for taxi vouchers

Fill in the application form (+link to form) and lodge it at the the CCAS with the following supporting documents:

  • proof of ID,
  • proof of address,
  • proof of non-taxpayer status,
  • the notice showing AAH benefit payments, RSA (single parent), disabled pension, and daily benefits.

The application can also be sent to the CCAS, place de l’Hôtel de Ville, BP 107, 04101 Manosque cedex.

Practical information

Maison de la Solidarité 16 boulevard Casimir Pelloutier 04100 Manosque 04 92 74 47 40 Monday to Friday: 8.30am to midday and 1.30pm to 5.00pm. Thursday: 10.30am to midday and 1.30pm to 5.00pm.  

Postal address:

Mairie de Manosque – CCAS Place de l’hôtel de Ville – BP 107 04101 Manosque