The Natural Disaster Risk Management Plan (NDRMP) is a document created by the government which governs the use of land according to the natural risks it is subject to. This regulation goes from banning to permitting construction subject to certain conditions. The aim is to guarantee the security of the people and property taking into account natural phenomena. It identifies the exposed zones given the existing risks for a specified territory, and defines the orders for urbanism, construction and management of risk zones, as well as prevention, protection, and conservation of existing constructions in these zones.  

The NDRMP is a public service easement. It is therefore obligatory.

The NDRMP comprises: A report which includes the analysis of the phenomena taken into account, as well as a study of their existing and potential impact on people and property. This rapport also indicates the basis for the creation for the NDRMP, and explains the aims of the regulation. a map to scale between 1/10 000 and 1/5 000 which marks the zones governed by the NDRMP; the regulations which apply to each zone. Download the Natural Disaster Risk Management Plan regulations   Practical information Service urbanisme (town planning department) Hôtel de Ville de Manosque 04100 Manosque