In partnership with the DLVA, the collection of bulky items is guaranteed by the Ressourcerie de Haute-Provence.

Head quartered in Sainte-Tulle and specializing in the reuse of objects, this association removes bulky items for free in Manosque.  

Removal Of Large And Bulky Waste

The Ressourcerie de Haute-Provence intervenes when the applicant has reached its private sector limit. Collection is done year-round by appoint. Call the No.“vert” toll-free at 0 810 22 00 13.

Useful Information

Ressourcerie de Haute Provence Les Charbonnières RD 4096 04220 SAINTE TULLE “Green” No. for bulky items: 0 810 22 00 13 T. 04 92 70 22 95 F.04 92 79 29 61 DLVA – Service Environnement Centre Technique Municipal Zone Industrielle Saint-Maurice 04100 MANOSQUE 04 92 70 13 90